Is There A Way To Use Profanity Filter App With An API

Be able to do that with the help of an API to filter out the words you want to censor. Think about the use of profanity in text, we have created an API that will help you filter the content you don’t want on your site.
With this API, you can filter out words you don’t want on your site and protect your visitors from offensive language. 

Why is this API important?

You should use this API if either of the following situations applies to you: 1- You want to censor your site’s content for users that are minors. 2- You want to restrict certain words so that your users don’t send offensive messages. 3- You want to filter your tweets or posts before posting them online. 4- You want to hide swear words in a document or report. 5- You want to keep people from using offensive language on your website or social media profile. 6- You want to censor curse words in a book or article. 7- You are writing an academic paper and need to filter offensive language. 8- You want to hide swear words in a document or report. 9- You want to keep people from using offensive language on your website or social media profile. 10- You want to censor curse words in a book or article. 11- You are writing an academic paper and need to filter offensive language. 12- You want to hide swear words in a document or report. 13- You want to keep people from using offensive language on your website or social media profile. 14- You are writing an academic paper and need to filter offensive language. 15- If you have children at home, then you need this API for censored text! 16- In addition, if there is a group of people who will be reading what you write, you should use this filter! The main goal of this application is to assist those who write frequently and wish to avoid using offensive language in their work.All that you need is just a text, a word (or more), and this application will return the filtered results! This is useful if you would like to completely remove one or more specific words (such as “drugs” or “alcohol”) from a document without losing their original context or meaning. What if there was a tool that could instantly determine all of the uses of a particular word (or set of terms) in any given text?It’s pretty simple really:
Detect and censor any bad words included in a text. Be able to filter words and have a safe environment on your site.

To make use of it, you must first:
1- Go to Bad Words Filter API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

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