Grey's Anatomy: Here you can now see the brand new episodes

McDreamy, McSexy—and Meredith. These three names are enough to know which series it is about. In the meantime, the constellations in "Grey's Anatomy" have changed significantly and many characters have left the series – no wonder, since the first season started in 2005. More than 15 years later, brand new stories from everyday hospital life in Seattle are coming.

Grey's Anatomy: New Season premieres

Originally, the new season of "Grey's Anatomy" was supposed to start on March 14, but Disney+ postponed it to a week later. Now the time has come and fans can now enjoy the 18th season, which has a total of 14 new episodes. By the way: A 19th season from the so-called "Shondaland" is said to have already been ordered, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter.
The popular hospital series is celebrating its premiere both on Disney+ and on the fee-based service Joyn from ProSiebenSat.1 Media. As of today, however, only one new episode is available, while there will be a new one every week for the foreseeable future.
Anyone who has not subscribed to either streaming service can also look forward to a free TV premiere. As usual in previous years, "Grey's Anatomy" can be seen exclusively on ProSieben. But something is changing here: the broadcaster is moving the evening of the series from Wednesday to Monday. So the 18th season of the dramedy starts exactly one week later, on March 28th at 8:15 p.m. on the private broadcaster.
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"Grey's Anatomy" not only builds on the story of the main characters, but also starts with a crossover. This means that the nurse series "Station 19" will be integrated into Meredith's (Ellen Pompeo) hospital routine. Specifically, it's about the episode "Phoenix from the Flame" from the 5th season of "Station 19". In addition, a few old friends are returning, such as Kate Walsh as Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery or Martin Henderson as Riggs.

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The Season 18 trailer gave a taste of what fans can expect ahead of the season's launch. The previous season directly included current world events, i.e. the Covid 19 pandemic. Unlike in reality, in the fictional world of Grey's Anatomy, humanity was able to defeat the virus and end the pandemic. Nevertheless, things are no less turbulent: Meredith not only gets an unbeatable research offer from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. A wedding between two sizes from our own ranks is also imminent.

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