Brilliant series in March 2022 on Sky: action, love, mystery and more

A lot is happening these days at the largest pay-TV broadcaster that can be used in Germany, Sky. A few days ago it was announced that it won't be long before the third season of the cult series "Das Boot" is finally available. But that's not all. Many other attractive film and series restarts are imminent.

New series on Sky and Sky Ticket in March 2022

Do you prefer something more traditional? Then the six episodes of Adam Dalgliesh, Scotland Yard might be something for you. Available on Sky Krimi from 15 March 2022, this series immerses you in the world of England in the mid-1970s. Murder, intrigue and fraud are part of British investigator Inspector Adam Dalgliesh's day-to-day business. But it is precisely when the going gets tough that it comes into its own. Then the otherwise cool, distant policeman puts his heart and soul into catching the murderers.

Two attractive sequels to the series

Things are much more amusing in “The Righteous Gemstones”. From March 22, 2022 you can see the nine new episodes of the second season on Sky Comedy. The first season was already running in German pay TV in January 2020, and now the sequel is finally following. You'll be delighted with the series if the TV preachers known from the USA appear suspicious to you. That's exactly what they're being teased about with John Goodman in the lead role. And there is more good news. HBO has already ordered a third season of the satirical series.
And the sequel to "Euphoria" is also worth recommending. You can watch the second season from March 23, 2022 every Wednesday from 10:15 p.m. in double episodes on Sky Atlantic – in eight more episodes. Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman won the 2020 Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama Series for her starring role in this teen series. Among other things, the jury was impressed by the radical, ruthlessly honest portrait of Generation Z. The series is produced by hip-hop star Drake, among others.

Series TitleSeason Start DateBroadcaster

JOE vs CAROLE14. March 2022Peacock

The Rising111. March 2022Sky Atlantic

Adam Dalgliesh, Scotland Yard115. March 2022Sky Crime

Funeral for a Dog117. March 2022Sky Atlantic

The Dead Lands122. March 2022Sky Atlantic

The Righteous Gemstones222. March 2022Sky Comedy

Euphoria223. March 2022Sky Atlantic

Halo125. March 2022Sky Atlantic

The Goldbergs928. March 2022Sky Comedy

The boat39. April 2022Sky One

The Lazarus Project1April 2022Sky Atlantic

Babylon Berlin42022Sky



Gangs of London22022Sky

Munich Match12022Sky


The Baby12022Sky

The You Run12022Sky

The Boat42023Sky



New film blockbusters in March 2022 on Sky

In addition to new series, you can of course also look forward to some new film premieres on Sky in March.
Ammonite (March 2, 2022)Freaky (March 4, 2022)The Father (March 5, 2022)Nobody (March 11, 2022)Minari: Where We Put Root (March 16, 2022)Run Hide Fight (March 18, 2022) Promising Young Woman (March 19, 2022)The Nest (March 21, 2022)The Forever Purge (March 25, 2022)The Virtuoso (March 28, 2022)
We have summarized an overview of the pay-TV packages currently available on Sky for you in a separate guide. There you will also find out everything about the costs you have to expect with Sky.

Read on now

How much does Sky cost? The new prices for Sky packages at a glance

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