Best Is There A Profanity Filter API In Goland

Filter, Detect and Censor Bad Words From Texts

Bad words, insults and curses are known to be part of our daily lives and work. Having to deal with them can be frustrating and taking control of them is a must have.
Nowadays, there are many applications that can help. One of the most powerful and useful things is a Profanity Filter API. This is a digital tool that helps you detect and censor any bad words included in a text.
Detecting bad words is one thing but censoring them too is another. This way you can have your site embedded with an API that will filter any bad words, no matter what kind of insult it is or how it was put in.
They work by using both AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning). These two sophisticated technologies help us detect those bad words so that we can filter them out of any text.
This kind of APIs provide in their first version a dictionary made by different bad words from all around the world. Later on, it filters them based on probability. That means, for example, if the word you are about to say has a high probability of being a bad word then it will filter it but if not, then it won’t.
And finally, the most important fact has to do with the different outputs this APIs have to offer. You can either get an array of bad words or an censored text. It all depends on what suits your best needs.
Now let’s start talking about which application is the best to get such tool available online.

Filter Bad Words API Is The Best Available

With this API you can be sure that there will be no more cursing or swearing in your site or app. It filters any kind of insult in just one second!
This application programming interface is really simple to use and really quick at the same time. All you need is an account (for free), an API key and then you are ready to go!.
With just one registration and a few clicks you can filter any insults that might be in your texts. You can also choose which language you want the API to respond with, which means you can get it in Spanish, English or   Dutch!
A simple request with this API will give you an array with any bad words that might come up while searching any text with Filter Bad Words API. 
Moreover, since it supports multiple requests at the same time (up to 100),
Detect and censor any bad words included in a text. Be able to filter words and have a safe environment on your site.

To make use of it, you must first:
1- Go to Bad Words Filter API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

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