3 Easy To Use API Is Google Page Speed Insights Good

The importance of being fast on the web is tangible. No one wants to waste time in front of a slow website. It is important to improve the speed of your website because a fast website is more likely to win over potential customers, regardless of the industry. A slow website might even scare them away.  Web search engines like Google use page speed as a criterion for their indexing and ranking; Slow websites are more likely to be left out of the results.  Here are some reasons why you should make your page faster: 1- Load time is a ranking factor in Google search. 2- The faster your website loads, the less likely people are to bounce, or leave without visiting other pages. 3- The likelihood of customers revisiting your website also increases as the speed improves. 4- A slow-loading website may have a negative impact on search engine optimization (SEO). 5- Google tends to rank pages higher in the search results when they load quickly.6- A slow site tends to have lower conversion rates than a fast one. As a result, this impacts your business’s revenue and your ability to convert potential customers into paying customers. To help you improve the speed and experience of your website, we’ve compiled this list of the top 3 recommended APIs for measuring page speed: 1- Page Speed API Page Speed API is an API that allows you to measure your webpage’s performance and identify areas for improvement so that you may make your website faster. It also provides recommendations for improving the performance of your website based on industry best practices. This API is available from Zyla Labs and allows developers to test the performance of their pages and get recommendations for improving them by using a simple API call. Furthermore, Page Speed API provides a JSON report with various recommendations for improving performance, as well as a custom domain rating, an overall score, and a list of recommendations that are specific to the domain being tested. It is the best API available in the market due to its simplicity and effectiveness.2- Website Speed EstimatorThe Website Speed Estimator API is a JSON API that provides information on how fast (or slow) any website is. The API estimates this by using cutting-edge algorithms that take into consideration a variety of different factors contributing to overall page speed, such as network connectivity, server infrastructure, page layout, etc. The API returns an object with two attributes: estimatedSpeed and estimatedLoadTime. The former
Be able to run an extensive analysis of your page speed with this API. Ideal to know about your page performance.

You can check Page Speed Analyzer API for free here.

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